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Mossberg 500 vs Remington 870 | Which is Better?

shotgun showdown Mar 06, 2025
Remington 870 VS. Mossberg 500 | Pump-Action Shotgun Showdown

Two legendary shotguns - One winner - Today we're doing a shotgun showdown between the Mossberg 500 and the Remington 870. These shotgun shave been around and dearly beloved by so many for a very long time. In this post, we're going to ask a controversial question: Which of these legendary pump shotguns is better? Let's dive in and find out!

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We've developed a system to rank shotguns head-to-head across 5 categories, each ranked from 1-10. (10 being the best) This is called the SOSA TEST (Steve's Observational Shotgun Analysis To Effectively Save Time) Below is an example of the score sheet with each category.

You'll notice that in addition to the five main categories, there are columns for bonus points and, more importantly, the handicap. Each shotgun is given a handicap based on its price. This allows us to compare shotguns at different price points and determine which one is a better bang for the buck. (Considering more expensive shotguns are more likely to score higher in given categories). Semi-autos, pump-actions, and break-actions all have different handicap ranges, as each type of shotgun typically caps out at a specific price. Below is our guide for the pump action handicaps. This handicap is deducted at the end of the test.  

Let the Showdown Begin

Now that you know the process, let's get into it. Quick side note, the SOSA TEST is what we use to determine the ratings we give shotguns on our Shotgun Finder Website. The value rating accounts for the handicap, and the overall rating does not. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out the Shotgun Finder Tool! (CLICK HERE)

DISCLAIMER: As we shoot, review, and spend more time with various shotguns, our opinions, rankings, and scores may change as we continue to test and compare shotguns. Reference the Shotgun Finder Tool to read the latest ratings. 


Quick Specs

Mossberg 500:

  • MSRP: $518 (-2 handicap)
  • 3" chamber.
  • The length of pull is 13 7/8"
  • 28" barrel.
  • 7lbs 2oz
  • Aluminum receiver
  • Trigger pull weight: 5lbs 5oz

Remington 870:

  • MSRP: $600 (-2 handicap)
  • 3" chamber.
  • Length of pull: 14"
  • 28" barrel
  • 7lbs
  • Steel Receiver
  • Trigger pull weight: 5lbs 10oz 



Mossberg 500: 7/10

  • If an alien were to ask me what a shotgun looked like, I'd probably show them an image of a Mossberg 500. It's very basic-looking but has classic charm. We ranked the 500 a 7/10. 

Remington 870: 7/10

  • For all the same reasons, we also gave the 870 a 7/10. The steel looks a bit more matte than the 500 but other than that, these shotguns are very similar. Neither of which have any stand-out details worth mentioning in the looks category.


Recoil & Reliability

Mossberg 500: 8/10

  • Being a pump shotgun, you can expect a bit more recoil. I have many years of experience with the 500 as it was my first ever shotgun. After I stated shooting, I quickly transitioned to a semi-auto and never turned back with their being such a difference in recoil. 
  • Recoil is only half of the story - Reliability is a huge reason for the good score on this shotgun. Pump shotguns have long been known to work flawlessly through many rounds. For this reason, we give the Mossberg 500 an 8/10.

Remington 870: 8/10

  • As far as reliability goes, we also gave the 870 a 8/10. There's a reason the 870 has had so much success in the market and we believe that that's due to its utility and reliability.
  • This shotgun has a slightly longer length of pull. Because the 870 fits us a bit better, we experienced less felt recoil. It's also a bit heavier, but in general, the 'recoil' difference is very marginal as these guns are very similar.



Mossberg 500: 7.5/10

  • This is probably where we see the most significant differences between these two shotguns.
  • The 500 has that famous top-tang safety. 
  • The 500's slide release is on the back side of the trigger group. 
  • Aluminum construction

Remington 870: 7.5/10

  • The 870 has a standard cross-bolt safety
  • The 870's slide release is on the front of the trigger group
  • Steel construction
  • A lot of the differences between these shotguns comes down to personal preference. We're personally more used to the ergonomics of the 500, but both mount, swing, and operate very similar. So in the name of being neutrally objective, they're both a 7.5/10

Build Quality

Mossberg 500: 8/10

  • The 500 has been around long enough for us to confidently say that Mossberg knows how to make a good shotgun.
  • The 500 is made in the US.
  • All the tolerances are tight and come together nicely.
  • At the end of the day, if it goes bang, we're good with it. The Mossberg 500's build quality is an 8/10.

Remington 870: 8/10

  • For all the same reasons, we also gave the 870 a 8/10.
  • Its tough to say whether or not the 870's steel construction will last longer than the 500's aluminum. So for now, we have also scored the 870 at an 8/10.

Shooting Vibes

Mossberg 500: 7.5/10

  • Everybody loves the thrill of racking a pump shotgun. It's just fun. The shooting vibes of sliding in that next shell are great. But recoil also plays a role in 'shooting vibes'. I don't know about you, but if I had a day full of shooting, the pump action recoil would get old in a hurry. For this combination of reasons, we gave the 500 a 7.5/10.

Remington 870: 7.5/10

  • For all the same reasons, we also gave the 870 a 7.5/10. As we said, the 870 fit us a little but better. I'd say we shot better with the 870, but shooting the 500 was kind of nostalgic. We couldn't justify any of these factors as 'better' so they'll remain tied at 7.5/10

Bonus Points

Mossberg 500: +1

  • During a SOSA TEST, we do a bonus round at the end for any stand-out features or experiences that deserve credit. We gave a bonus point to the Mossberg for their rich history of being US made, and family owned. (Since 1919!) We think that that's a pretty cool and unique aspect of Mossberg. +1 bonus point. 

Remington 870: +0

  • We were torn on this decision as Remington has an equally interesting history. Some may call the 870 one of the most legendary shotguns of all time. But we felt as if this rich history was somewhat spoiled by their rough patch of bankruptcy not to long ago. For this reason, we decided to not give the 870 a bonus point.


At the end of the SOSA, we have the Mossberg with a 37, and the 870 with a 36. These scores account for their price handicap. We were surprised to see these two legendary guns tie in every single category. This has never happened in the history of the SOSA TEST! But all that goes to show is that these legendary shotguns are more similar than different. They will both work well and cycle reliably. It really comes down to a few ergonomic personal preferences. Some may find this controversial, but the winner of this shotgun showdown is the Mossberg 500.

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