Shooting Coach Reveals #1 Way to Hit More Birds | Gil Ash Remote Coaching
Sep 05, 2024
How One Zoom Call Improved My Shooting | Gil Ash Remote Coaching
We're in a new era of shotgun technology. With a one hour zoom call, I was able to improve my shooting abilities utilizing the technology of the Shot Tracker from Take Aim Technologies. Today we're going to talk about how the lesson went, and why this may be a good option for you to consider if you'd like to bring your game to the next level.
Unfamiliar with the Shot Tracker? Learn all about it HERE
More About The ShotTracker
Here is what Take Aim Technologies has to say: "ShotTracker is a high-tech training device that enables you to improve your trap, skeet, and sporting clays score by instantly showing how well you placed your shot pattern on the clay. It provides easy-to-understand corrections to precisely place your pattern on the clay so you can smash your next shot." In our initial review, we put these words to the test. We were amazed at the functionality of this tool. Fast forward to today, and we were able to test the ShotTrackers capabilities even further in a remote coaching session with renowned instructor, Gil Ash.
About Gil
Gil has won numerous titles in both skeet and sporting clay competitions and has taught professionally since 1984. He was also an instructor for the Holland & Holland shooting school in England and has studied with many great shooters and instructors. He has been featured on ESPN, TNN and hosted a regular spot on the television show “Pull: A Tour of America’s Great Gun Clubs” on the Outdoor Life Network. Known worldwide, Gil has six shooting videos sold in the United States and two sold in England and Australia. Gil has recently teamed up with the ShotTracker team to ring in a new era of remote coaching using this new tech. Learn more about Gil and his shooting school HERE
The Setup
Getting the lesson going was actually quite simple. We followed a schematic of how Gil wanted to see our traps set up, and set a computer running zoom behind me on a table. This could also be a phone but we required a computer as filming this lesson added a couple more layers of complexity. Once the Shottracker was up and running, Gil was able to get its data right to his screen VIA Shottrackers online portal. And just like that Gil was ready to teach me how to improve.
The Lesson
For a whole hour Gil was able to instruct me on a handful of target presentations. A key take away was how fast I was able to understand what mistakes I was making due to the visual element the ShotTracker provided. That mixed with Gil's expertise to translate what the Shottracker was teaching us, made for a swift, enjoyable, and productive coaching session. I cannot emphasize enough how valuable this technology is. In seconds, we could see how I approached a bird, and how I could approach it better. The fact that Gil from across the country could see this same data and coach me accordingly is just mind boggling. I really think that this product is going to change the future of shotgun shooting and instruction.
Key Shooting Take-Aways
As I said, this coaching session was an hour long. I highly recommend you check out the full video for more detail, but I was seriously able to experience improvements during this session and wanted to share some of Gil's stand-out recommendations that may help you as well. These are paraphrased, but you should get the general idea.
1. "The center of your vision lines up with your nose. I want you to soft mount the shotgun and put your nose right on that trap. Once you pick it up, keep your nose on it as you mount into your gun."
2. "When you can match the speed of your gun to the clay, your eliminating a factor from the equation. Match the speed, then get in line with the bird."
3. "Think less about lead and more about speed"
4. "On a true pair, always look between the targets. If you jump back and forth you're going to panic. Understand the spatial relationship between them so you can make a better plan to position yourself."
In Conclusion...
This was an amazing experience. Huge shout-out to Gil and the ShotTracker team for making this happen. This tech has helped me immensely by revealing tiny details about my shooting habits that you could possibly see or understand if not for this technology. If you are serious about getting from good to great, I promise you that the Shottracker can help get you there. You need to check this thing out. (LEARN MORE HERE)
. Whether our targets in the field or our targets in life, we will only hit what we are focused on, so live the #targetfocusedlife